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Globrix refutes new charging allegation

Globrix is refuting new allegations that it plans to charge agents for consumer traffic.

One agency source alleges that they were recently informed by one of the portal's account managers that they would have to pay around £50 per branch to continue receiving referrals to their website.

The claims follows the launch of a 'traffic guarantee' in July, offering enhanced traffic volumes from Globrix as part of its premium services for which agents pay. But the portal's chief executive Daniel Lee insisted at the time that he stuck by his promise not to charge agents to list on the site.

The source says: "If I don't pay, I won't get consumers redirected to my site, which begs the question about the point of free listings. Globrix has always promised us we wouldn't have to pay and now we're faced with this. It just goes to show that there's no such thing as a free lunch."

Lee says: "There is absolutely no truth in the claim that we will block consumer traffic unless agents pay and we have no intention to do so."

He adds: "What I expect to happen over time is that more agents will pay for services. We're doing as much as we can for free, but we can't do everything for free."